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Author: COLLECTIF, ROBERT DARNTON, RAYMOND BIRN, ANNE-SAUVY-WILKINSON, C J MITCHELL , R B ROSE, MARTYN LYONS, PETER MCPHEE, HAMISH GRAHAM Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIII N° 1, January-April 1986. Forth George Rude Seminar. Contains : First Steps toward a History of Reading, par Robert Darnton (26 p.). The ' Bibliothèque Bleue ' and its Historians, by R. Birn (17 p.). Lecteurs du XVIIIe siècle : les abonnés de la ' Bibliothèque universelle des romans, premières approches, par Anne Sauvy-Wilkinson (13 p.). French Printing in Eighteenth-Century London, by C J Mitchell (22 p.). Claude Fauchet, 1744-1793, and the French Revolutionary Origins of Christian Democracy, by R. B. Rose (19 p.). Oral Culture and rural Community in Nineteenth-Century France : the ' Les Veillées d'Hiver ', by Martyn Lyons (3 p.). How did Nineteenth-Century Workers get into Frédéric Le Play's ' Bad Books ', by Hamish Graham (14 p.)... 1 fascicule in-8, 144 p., broché. Bon état.
Description: Monash University, 1986. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIII N° 1, January-April 1986. Forth George Rude Seminar. Contains : First Steps toward a History of Reading, par Robert Darnton (26 p.). The ' Bibliothèque Bleue ' and its Historians, by R. Birn (17 p.). Lecteurs du XVIIIe siècle : les abonnés de la ' Bibliothèque universelle des romans, premières approches, par Anne Sauvy-Wilkinson (13 p.). French Printing in Eighteenth-Century London, by C J Mitchell (22 p.). Claude Fauchet, 1744-1793, and the French Revolutionary Origins of Christian Democracy, by R. B. Rose (19 p.). Oral Culture and rural Community in Nineteenth-Century France : the ' Les Veillées d'Hiver ', by Martyn Lyons (3 p.). How did Nineteenth-Century Workers get into Frédéric Le Play's ' Bad Books ', by Hamish Graham (14 p.)... 1 fascicule in-8, 144 p., broché. Bon état.
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 612510