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Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIV N° 1, January-April 1987. Contient entre autres : Worrying the Bone Again : the Structure and Significance of the Prologue to Gargantua of Rabelais, by F. W. Marshall (20 p., in engl.). Role and Rhythm in Molière's Dom Juan, by G F McCarthy (18 p., in engl.). Artifice and Ironis Perspective in Rimbaud's ' Ville ', by E. Roberts (16 p., in engl.. The Development of Proust's Imagery, by J. D. Whiteley (12 p., in engl.)...
Description: Monash University, 1987. Contient également : The Reburials of Emile Zola and Jean Jaurès : Two Political Apotheoses in Literature, by M. J. Taylor (14 p., in engl). Claude Simon et Michelet : exemple d'intertextualité génératrice dans ' Les Georgiques ', par Guy Neumann (17 p., en français)... 1 fascicule in-8, 109 p., broché. Bon état. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIV N° 1, January-April 1987. Contient entre autres : Worrying the Bone Again : the Structure and Significance of the Prologue to Gargantua of Rabelais, by F. W. Marshall (20 p., in engl.). Role and Rhythm in Molière's Dom Juan, by G F McCarthy (18 p., in engl.). Artifice and Ironis Perspective in Rimbaud's ' Ville ', by E. Roberts (16 p., in engl.. The Development of Proust's Imagery, by J. D. Whiteley (12 p., in engl.)...


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 612537