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Author: COLLECTIF, ANGUS MARTIN, H GASTON HALL, BRIAN A ELKNER, BARBARA G MITTMAN, SPIRE PITOU, RENÉ GODENNE, JEROOM VERCRUYSSE Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol X, N° 3, September-December 1973. Contient entre autres : Notes sur les Bibliothèques de campagne et autres collections de fictions au XVIIIe siècle, par Angus Martin (15 p., in french). French Books in Horace Walpole's Library, by H. Gaston Hall (20 p., in english). The Dancer from the Dance : theories and emblems of aesthetic grace in the French 18th Century, by Brian A. Elkner (19 p., in english). Mystification and the Good Deed in Diderot's Theatre, by Barbara G. Mittman (17 p., in english)...
Description: Monash University, 1973. Contains also : Voltaire's Tancrède at Versailles in 1770, by Spire Pitou (7 p., in english). Mme Riccoboni et le genre troubadour, par René Godenne (9 p., en français). The Authorship of La Harpe's ' Molière à la nouvelle salle (1782) ', by Spire Pitou (8 p., in english) É 1 volume in-8, pages 239 à 338. Broché, bon état. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol X, N° 3, September-December 1973. Contient entre autres : Notes sur les Bibliothèques de campagne et autres collections de fictions au XVIIIe siècle, par Angus Martin (15 p., in french). French Books in Horace Walpole's Library, by H. Gaston Hall (20 p., in english). The Dancer from the Dance : theories and emblems of aesthetic grace in the French 18th Century, by Brian A. Elkner (19 p., in english). Mystification and the Good Deed in Diderot's Theatre, by Barbara G. Mittman (17 p., in english)...
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 612549