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Author: COLLECTIF, LANCE K DONALSON-EVANS, H GASTON HALL, DENIS PORTER, CHARLES G WHITING, GRAEME WATSON, C W NETTELBECK, PHILIP H SOLOMON Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol IX N° 2, May - August 1972. Contient entre autres : An Unknown Baroque Poet : Pierre de Croix, by L. K. Donaldson-Evans (12 p., in engl.). Dorimond : ' L'Escole des cocus, ou la précaution inutile ', by H. Gaston Hall (ed) (29 p., en français). Mythic Imagery in Flaubert's ' Oeuvre de Jeunesse ', by Denis Porter (13 p. in engl.). Paul Valéry : Development of a Poet, by Charles C. Whiting (6 p., in engl.). The theme of water in Gide's early work, by Graeme Watson (13 p., in engl.). The Antisemite and the Artist : Céline's Pamphlets and Guignol's Band, by C. W. Nettelbeck (10 p., in english)...1 fascicule in-8, pages 103 à 211, broché, couverture d'origine. Bon état.
Description: Monash University, 1972. 1 volume in-8, broché. Bon à très bon état. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol IX N° 2, May - August 1972. Contient entre autres : An Unknown Baroque Poet : Pierre de Croix, by L. K. Donaldson-Evans (12 p., in engl.). Dorimond : ' L'Escole des cocus, ou la précaution inutile ', by H. Gaston Hall (ed) (29 p., en français). Mythic Imagery in Flaubert's ' Oeuvre de Jeunesse ', by Denis Porter (13 p. in engl.). Paul Valéry : Development of a Poet, by Charles C. Whiting (6 p., in engl.). The theme of water in Gide's early work, by Graeme Watson (13 p., in engl.). The Antisemite and the Artist : Céline's Pamphlets and Guignol's Band, by C. W. Nettelbeck (10 p., in english)...1 fascicule in-8, pages 103 à 211, broché, couverture d'origine. Bon état.
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 612552