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Author: COLLECTIF, MICHAEL SPENCER, MIEKE BAL, ANN JEFFERSON, MICHAEL SPENCER, IAN REID, ROSS CHAMBERS, MARIE MACLEAN, MARIE-FRANCE HILGAR Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIII N° 2, May - August 1986. N° spécial : Poetics of Prose Fiction. Contient entre autres : Introduction, by Michael Spencer (2 p.). Quelle est la faute de l'abbé Mouret ? Pour une narratologie diachronique et polémique, par Mieke Bal (20 p., en français). Realism Reconsidered : Bakhtin's Dialogism and the ' Will to Reference ', by Ann Jefferson (16 p., in english). Poetics and Pedagogy : Study of a Short Story by Zola, by Michael Spencer (10 p., in english). The Death of the Implied Author ? Voice, Sequence and Control in Flaubert's Trois Contes, by Ian Reid (17 p., in english). Gossip and the Novel : Knowing Narrative and Narrative Knowing in Balzac, Mme de Lafayette and Proust, by Ross Chambers (14 p.)...
Description: Monash University, 1988. Contient aussi : The Private Stage in Baudelaire's Prose Poetry : the Implied and the Excluded Audience in ' La Femme sauvage et la petite maitresse ', by Marie Maclean (14 p., in english).... 1 fascicule in-8, pages 147 à 256. Bon à très bon état. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIII N° 2, May - August 1986. N° spécial : Poetics of Prose Fiction. Contient entre autres : Introduction, by Michael Spencer (2 p.). Quelle est la faute de l'abbé Mouret ? Pour une narratologie diachronique et polémique, par Mieke Bal (20 p., en français). Realism Reconsidered : Bakhtin's Dialogism and the ' Will to Reference ', by Ann Jefferson (16 p., in english). Poetics and Pedagogy : Study of a Short Story by Zola, by Michael Spencer (10 p., in english). The Death of the Implied Author ? Voice, Sequence and Control in Flaubert's Trois Contes, by Ian Reid (17 p., in english). Gossip and the Novel : Knowing Narrative and Narrative Knowing in Balzac, Mme de Lafayette and Proust, by Ross Chambers (14 p.)...
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 612557