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Author: THE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, DR SOLOMON ZEITLIN, DR IRVING A AGUS, DR ZEV VILNAY, PROF W H BROWNLEE, DR PAUL WINTER Title: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume XLV, N° 2 october 1954. Main Contents : The Essenes and the Messianic expectations, a historical study of the Sects and Ideas during the Second Jewish Commonwealth, by prof Solomon Zeitlin (37 p.). The rights and immunities of the minority, by Dr. Irving A. Agus (10 p.). Identification of Talmudic place names, by Dr. Zev Vilnay (11 p.). Emendation of the Dead Sea manual of discipline and some notes concerning the Habakkuk Midrash, by Prof. W. H. Brownlee (16 p.). The cultural background of the narrative in Luke I and II, by Dr. Paul Winter (9 p.)....
Description: Philadelphia, Published by the Dropsie College, 1954. 1 volume in-8, softcover, 88 pp., good condition. Safe shipment with tracking number to the U.S.A. and UK in +/- 10 days. ¶ The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume XLV, N° 2 october 1954. Main Contents : The Essenes and the Messianic expectations, a historical study of the Sects and Ideas during the Second Jewish Commonwealth, by prof Solomon Zeitlin (37 p.). The rights and immunities of the minority, by Dr. Irving A. Agus (10 p.). Identification of Talmudic place names, by Dr. Zev Vilnay (11 p.). Emendation of the Dead Sea manual of discipline and some notes concerning the Habakkuk Midrash, by Prof. W. H. Brownlee (16 p.). The cultural background of the narrative in Luke I and II, by Dr. Paul Winter (9 p.)....
Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 80207