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Author: THE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, DR SIDNEY B HOENIG, DR LEO LANDMAN, DR ESRA SHERESHEVSKY, DR JAMES HAMILTON Title: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LXII, N° 4 april 1972. Main Contents : New light from the Prophets ?, by Dr. S. B. Hoenig (13 p.). The Office of the Medieval ' Hazzan ', by Dr. Leo Landman (31 p.). The accent in Rash's Commentary, by Dr. Esra Shereshevsky (11 p.). The use in genetic markers en Oriental Jewish historical studies, by Dr. James Hamilton (26 p.).
Description: Philadelphia, Published by the Dropsie College, 1972. 1 volume in-8, softcover, 88 pp., good condition. Safe shipment with tracking number to the U.S.A. and UK in +/- 10 days. ¶ The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LXII, N° 4 april 1972. Main Contents : New light from the Prophets ?, by Dr. S. B. Hoenig (13 p.). The Office of the Medieval ' Hazzan ', by Dr. Leo Landman (31 p.). The accent in Rash's Commentary, by Dr. Esra Shereshevsky (11 p.). The use in genetic markers en Oriental Jewish historical studies, by Dr. James Hamilton (26 p.).
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 80275