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Title: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LVIII, N° 3 january 1969. Main Contents : The Slavonic Josephus and the Dead Sea Scrolls : an exposé of recent fairy tales, by S. Zeitlin (31 p.). The sins of Jeroboam Ben-Nabat II, by Dr. Eva Danelius (20 p.). The causes of the Bar Kokba revolt, by Dr. Hugo Mantel (19 p.). On the supposed anti-ascetism or anti-nazritism of Simon the Just, by David Halivni (Weiss) (10 p.). A most comprehensive functional Hebrew dictionary, by Dr. William Chomsky (3 p.)...
Description: Philadelphia, Published by the Dropsie College, 1968. 1 volume in-8, softcover, 88 pp., good condition. Safe shipment with tracking number to the U.S.A. and UK in +/- 10 days. ¶ The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LVIII, N° 3 january 1969. Main Contents : The Slavonic Josephus and the Dead Sea Scrolls : an exposé of recent fairy tales, by S. Zeitlin (31 p.). The sins of Jeroboam Ben-Nabat II, by Dr. Eva Danelius (20 p.). The causes of the Bar Kokba revolt, by Dr. Hugo Mantel (19 p.). On the supposed anti-ascetism or anti-nazritism of Simon the Just, by David Halivni (Weiss) (10 p.). A most comprehensive functional Hebrew dictionary, by Dr. William Chomsky (3 p.)...


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 80283