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Author: COLLECTIF, JULIANA DE NOOY, JOE HARDWICK, BARBARA E HANNA, ROSS CHAMBERS, ANNE-CHRISTINE ROYERE, JUTTA FORTIN, KATJA HAUSTEIN, CAROLINE SHEAFFER-JONES, MURRAY PRATT Title: "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XLI, N° 3, september-december 2004. Contient entre autres : ""Soi-Disant"" : Writing, Screening, Theorizing the Self in French, by Juliana de Nooy, Joe Hardwick and Barbara E. Hanna (9 pages, in english). Four ways to meddle with subjectivity : French Lyric Poetry since Baudelaire, by Ross Chambers (16 p., in english). Une voix errante pour un sujet transfuge : Sens et Présence du sujet poétique chez Henri Michaux, par Anne-Christine Royère (13 p.)..."
Description: "Monash University, 2004. Contient aussi : The Diary as a Transitional Object in Maupassant's ""Le Horla"" (1887), by Jutta Fortin (10 p., in english). The Photographic Subject : Picturing the Self and the Other in Proust's ""A la Recherche du temps perdu"", by Katja Haustein (14 p., in english). Images of Effacement : Deconstructing Maurice Blanchot's Reading of Virginia Woolf in "" Le Livre à venir"", by Caroline Shaeffer-Jones (13 p., in english). Bodies that Loiter : Genre, Generation and Subjectivity in ""Les Corps ouverts"" (Sébastien Lifshitz), by Joe Hardwick (13 pages, in english). Félix and the Light-hearted Gay Road Movie : Genre, Families, Fathers and the Decolonization of the Homosexual Self, bye Murray Pratt (14 pages, in english). Face Off : Identity in French On-Line Debate, by Barbara E. Hanna (13 pages, in english)... 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état." ¶ "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XLI, N° 3, september-december 2004. Contient entre autres : ""Soi-Disant"" : Writing, Screening, Theorizing the Self in French, by Juliana de Nooy, Joe Hardwick and Barbara E. Hanna (9 pages, in english). Four ways to meddle with subjectivity : French Lyric Poetry since Baudelaire, by Ross Chambers (16 p., in english). Une voix errante pour un sujet transfuge : Sens et Présence du sujet poétique chez Henri Michaux, par Anne-Christine Royère (13 p.)..."
Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 81292