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Title: "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol X, N°2, May-August 1973. Contient entre autres : Rotrou's ""Venceslas"" and Marmontel, again, by Spire Pitou (8 pages, in english). Some background to Molière's ""Tartuffe"", by H. Gaston Hall (11 p., in english). An aspect of Mme de Lafayette's narrative technique : correspondences of physical detail in ""La Princesse de Clèves"", by C. J. Betts (14 pages, in english)..."
Description: "Monash University, 1973. Contient aussi : Proust and Baudelaire, by Margaret Mein (10 pages, in english). Pierre Jean Jouve's Spatial Dialectic in ""Les Noces"" and ""Sueur de sang"", by Catharine Savage Brosman (12 pages, in english). Drieu La Rochelle and André Malraux, by R. Leal (25 pages, in english). Le sentiment du vide dans ""Le Rivage du Syrtes"" (Julien Gracq), par Margaret Davies (13 p.). ""The Blacks"" by Jean Genet : a dimensional approach, by Jeannette Laillou-Savona (21 p., in english). Jorge Semprun's Long Journey, by J. H. King (13 pages, in english)... 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état." ¶ "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol X, N°2, May-August 1973. Contient entre autres : Rotrou's ""Venceslas"" and Marmontel, again, by Spire Pitou (8 pages, in english). Some background to Molière's ""Tartuffe"", by H. Gaston Hall (11 p., in english). An aspect of Mme de Lafayette's narrative technique : correspondences of physical detail in ""La Princesse de Clèves"", by C. J. Betts (14 pages, in english)..."


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 81293