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Title: Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XXXIII, N°2, May-August 1996. N° spécial : TEACHING CULTURES. Contient entre autres : 1) The Culture of the Discipline : Cultural Studies as a challenge to French Studies, by Ross Chambers (21 pages, in english). French National Identity and the literary Politics of Exclusion : the Jeranne Hyvrard Case, by A. James Arnold (10 pages, in english)...
Description: "Monash University, 1996. Contient aussi : Rehydrating the Babies. ""Bains de Culture"" in the Post-Everything Age, by Colin W. Nettelbeck (20 pages, in english). ""Bandes dessinées"", or Patches of Culture, by Amanda Macdonald (20 p., in english). The Popularity of the Canon : literary Allusions in the French Press 1990-1992, by Sandra Nicholls, Anne Freadman and Peter Cryle (8 p., in english). Teaching National Cultures, by Elizabeth Rechniewski (8 p., in english). Images, imagination et culture, par Louise Maurer (13 pages). Spies like us : thoughts on Cultural Conformity and Language Teaching, by Barbara E. Hanna (16 pages, in english)... 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état." ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XXXIII, N°2, May-August 1996. N° spécial : TEACHING CULTURES. Contient entre autres : 1) The Culture of the Discipline : Cultural Studies as a challenge to French Studies, by Ross Chambers (21 pages, in english). French National Identity and the literary Politics of Exclusion : the Jeranne Hyvrard Case, by A. James Arnold (10 pages, in english)...


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 81294