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Author: COLLECTIF, PAULIN DJITE, PETER LOW, HELEN L HARRISON, RICHARD D E BURTON, ROBIN M J MACKENZIE, BEVERLEY ORMEROD, MBARÉ N'GOM, ELLIOTT FORSYTH, ANGUS MARTIN Title: "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XXXIV, N°2, May-August 1997. Contient entre autres : Francophonie et pluralisme culturel, par Paulin Djité (21 pages). No Happy Phoenix ? Concerning the French Sonnet in the Seventeenth Century, by Peter Low (17 pages, in english). A Tragedy of Gratitude : Thomas Corneille's ""Ariane"" and the demolition of the Hero, by Helen L. Harrison (13 pages, in english)..."
Description: "Monash University, 1997. Contient aussi : From Scapegoat to Martyr : the Image of Marie- in the Nineteenth-Century Catholic-Monarchist Thought, by Richard D. E. Burton (6 p., in english). Marcel aux Enfers : Modulations of a Motif in Proust's ""A la Recherche du Temps Perdu"", by Robin M. J. MacKenzie (14 p., in english). Magic realism in Contemporary French Caribbean Litterature : Ideology or Literary Diversion ?, by Beverley Ormerod (12 p., in english). La Voix retrouvée : corps et écriture dans ""La Princesse de Tiali"" de Nafissatou Niang Diallo (12 p.). Le Théâtre français de la Renaissance : A question of Method, by Elliott Forsyth (14 p., in english)...1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état." ¶ "Australian Journal of French Studies, vol XXXIV, N°2, May-August 1997. Contient entre autres : Francophonie et pluralisme culturel, par Paulin Djité (21 pages). No Happy Phoenix ? Concerning the French Sonnet in the Seventeenth Century, by Peter Low (17 pages, in english). A Tragedy of Gratitude : Thomas Corneille's ""Ariane"" and the demolition of the Hero, by Helen L. Harrison (13 pages, in english)..."
Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 81295