Author: BENARD CDT CHARLES Title: Un été chez les Samoyèdes (juillet-octobre 1914)
Description: PLON, 1921 [1945], in-18. Sent by the Société d'Océanographie to complete his cartographic survey of the region begun on his 1908 expedition, Bénard sailed to Novaya Zemlya in the summer of 1914. He also hoped to discover news of the expeditions of Roussanoff (1912), Broussiloff (1912) and Sedoff (1912-13). During the course of the expedition he spent much time with the local Samoyed people. broché, Paris, très bon. 228p + [2]ff ; nbr planches photographiques non comprises ds la pagination.. ¶ . mention de 4ème édition
Keywords: sibérie
Price: EUR 30.00 = appr. US$ 32.61 Seller: Les routes du globe
- Book number: 12265
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