Author: [CALLIGRAPHIE] Title: Calligraphy 1535-1885. A Collection of Seventy-two Writing-Books and Specimens from the Italian, French, Low countries and Spanish Schools. Catalogued and Described with Upwards of 210 Illustrations and an Introduction by Stanley MORISON.
Description: Milano, La Bibliofila, 1962. Grand in-8 carré, broché, couv. ill. rempliée, 175 pp, texte anglais. Index, bibliogr. Tirage à 2000 ex. numérotés sur papier Fabriano, n°868. Couverture lég. frottée. Bon état. Softcover, boards and spine scarcely rubbed. Content clean. Good condition.
Price: EUR 90.00 = appr. US$ 97.82 Seller: Librairie Le Trait d'Union
- Book number: 567985